- 7 Shades
- 7 Shades
- Andy Roberts
- ASBODerek
- The Astronauts
- Bonfire Radicals
- Clowns
- Crayola Lectern
- Dirty Scavenger
- Drones
- Edgar Broughton
- Featherz
- Gregg McKella
- Inner City Unit
- Invisible Arthur
- Jeanette Murphy
- Keith Christmas
- Kev Ellis
- Knifeworld
- Krankschaft
- Kwil
- Mike Heron
- Mike Heron and Nick Pynn
- Mummy Bic Hayes and Jo Spratley
- Nick Harper
- P9
- P9
- Paradise 9
- Prescott
- Redbus No Face
- Roy Weard
- Roy Weard and Nick May
- Sendelica
- Sentient
- Stephen EvEns
- The Failed Psychics
- The Mighty Xanthus
- Tim Rundall
- WD Drake
- Wierd Things